Tuesday, 25 February 2025


Please sign up to receive messages from the school/myself via "school messenger" if you have yet to do so.  This is the method used by the school office/admin, as well as myself, to relay information to families. I also try and post regularly on this blog which I shared in my welcome/introduction letter at the beginning of February.  

Tomorrow: Pink Shirt Day, Black History Month celebration (6 PM), Twin Flames performance (Juniors only)

Thursday: Library (please return all books)

Monday, 24 February 2025

 Our UFLI focus words for this week (reading/spelling): 

1. cube

2. mule

3. fume

4. use

5. fuse

6. mute

7. rule

8. June

9. tune

Friday, 21 February 2025

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

I sent home a hard copy letter with all students today regarding our upcoming Family Life focus: Fully Alive Theme 3 (Created Sexual: Male and Female).  This is a very important letter to review as it provides a great deal of information for parents.  We will begin the Fully Alive theme/unit on March 24.  Please reach out to me should you have any questions.  

Much appreciated, 

Adam McSheffrey 

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

This coming Wednesday is a full day at St. Philip Catholic School!  Please see the dates/events listed below: 

Feb. 26th - Pink Shirt Day

Feb. 26th - Twin Flames trip (Junior students only) 

Feb. 26th - Black History Month Celebration (6 PM) 

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

 Our UFLI focus words for this week (reading/spelling): 

1. same

2. close

3. came

4. cake

5. lake

6. tale

7. sale

8. flake

9. stone

Updates/Reminders/Important Dates:

UFLI at home practice sent home today.

Mass on March 25

Feb. 26th - Pink Shirt Day

Feb. 26th - Twin Flames trip (Junior students only) 

Feb. 26th - Black History Month Celebration (6 PM) 

Tuesday, 11 February 2025


Hello Grade 2 Families, 

The feast of St. Valentine (Valentine's Day) is on Friday.  Students are welcome to bring in valentines for their classmates if they wish.  We will be passing out valentines as a class and doing some fun valentine's themed activities that day.  There are 21 students in our class.  I do not send home a class list; however, if students would like to write down the names of their peers to bring home they are more than welcome.  

Monday, 10 February 2025

 Our UFLI focus words for this week (reading/spelling): 

1. bone

2. broke

3. mope

4. scope

5. nope

6. mode

7. drove

8. nose

9. robe

10. those 

11. tone

12. hope


UFLI at home practice sent home today.  

Mass tomorrow at 9:30 at St. Philip Catholic Church.  

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

 Our UFLI focus words for this week (reading/spelling): 

1. five

2. time

3. side

4. tile

5. life

6. mile

7. like

8. fine

9. piles

10. white 

11. slime

12. spine

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Upcoming Important Dates: 

Feb. 11th - Mass at St. Philip Catholic Church

Feb 14th - Feast of St. Valentine (students are invited to bring in valentines for their peers if they wish) 

Feb. 17th - Family Day (no classes) 

Feb. 26th - Twin Flames field trip (Junior students only) 

The following email was sent home this afternoon to Grade 2 families via School Messenger: 

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

I apologize for the delay in sending this email, as I did not have access to my Grade 2 class in School Messenger until today.  Thank you very much for the warm welcome back to St. Philip.  I have greatly appreciated these first days with your children and getting to know each of them better.  I provided each student with an agenda yesterday and sent home a welcome/introduction letter.  I will also attach a copy to this email as well.  Please click on the link below to view: 


Students will be receiving UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) at home practice each week starting today.  I will normally send this home with the students on Mondays.  The activities consist of word focus for both reading and writing, as well as a reading passage/text.  The activities do not need to be returned to school; however, they will directly focus on what we are working on each week in the classroom with respect to reading, phonics, and word focus.  Please take the time to complete and review these activities at home each week with your child.  This extra practice is an important opportunity and helps strengthen the home-school connection with respect to your son/daughter's learning.      

Details regarding our class blog can be found in my welcome/introduction letter.  I try and post updates, upcoming dates of importance, and our current classroom focus on the blog.  I have yet to update our current classroom focus, but I will do so shortly.  

Thank you for support and please reach out if you have any questions.  

Much appreciated, 

Adam McSheffrey