Hello Grade 2 Families,
Below is the link to our Terry Fox fundraiser:
Welcome to our Grade 2 class blog! Here you will find classroom information, as well as school and OCSB updates.
Hello Grade 2 Families,
We have begun our UFLI Foundations (University of Florida Literacy Institute) program in Grade 2. This is an explicit and systematic phonics program we will be using this year in Grade 2. Each weekly lesson has a corresponding at home practice activity. I sent this activity home with your son/daughter today. These activities will be sent home weekly until we are finished the assigned lessons for the year. These activities are for at home practice. They do not need to be returned to school. Students can practice reading the words/sentences. Students can also practise writing the words/sentences focusing on proper writing conventions (letter formation, capitalization, punctuation). This is not meant to be a lengthy activity. There is also a roll and read game, where students can roll and then read a word, or list of words, when the corresponding number is rolled. Currently, we are focusing on short a, i, o vowel sounds. Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions.
Much appreciated,
Adam McSheffrey