Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Hello Grade 2 families, 

Archbishop Damphousse (Archbishop of Ottawa/Cornwall) is celebrating a milestone birthday!    Our Grade 2 classes have been asked by the OCSB Religious Education Department to sing ‘happy birthday’ to Archbishop Damphousse.  The students singing (both classes) will be video recorded on Monday March 6th by an OCSB representative.  This is a very special opportunity for our students.  Please reach out to either of us directly if you have any questions.  

Thank you for your support, 

Ms. Lacar and Mr. McSheffrey (Grade 2 teachers)

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Tomorrow is our first official fundraising day during Lent to support The Peru Mission and CEFO.  Students are encouraged to bring in $2.00 (or donate using school cash online) to support this important Lenten initiative.  Tomorrow's theme is "Chew for Peru" and "CEFO".  Students can donate $2.00 and chew gum during block 2!  

Thank you for your generous support!  

Monday, 27 February 2023

 WWW Week # 16

1. writing

2. eating

3. people

4. after 

5. night

*spelling quiz on Friday

Please see the details below regarding our Lenten fundraiser at St. Philip Catholic School: 

Our Lenten fundraiser for the Peru Mission, and CEFO, will be taking place throughout the duration of Lent at St. Philip Catholic School.  Students are encouraged to do chores and acts of kindness at home to “earn” funds for the poor.  As a result of your child’s acts of service, families can contribute to the Lenten fundraiser. All collected funds will be donated to the Peru Mission of St. Philip Catholic Church

Donations can be made using SchoolCash online and/or during our  "$2 for Peru Days" at St. Philip Catholic School. Toonies will be accepted as a donation on the following Wednesdays during Lent: 

"$2 for Peru" - March 1: Bring in $2.00 and chew gum during the day! (gum will be provided or students can bring their own)

"$2 for Peru" - March 8: Bring in $2.00 and play board games with your class for a block! (students are invited to bring in a favourite board game from home to share with their class)

"$2 for Peru" - March 22: Bring in $2.00 and have Jersey Day or Spirit Wear Day! (students are invited to wear a favourite team jersey, school spirit wear, or a favourite shirt)

"$2 for Peru" - March 29: Bring in $2.00 and wear PJs during the day! (students are invited to wear a favourite pair of PJs for the day)


Our Lenten fundraising for children in Peru is an excellent opportunity for students to live out our OCSB theme of "Be Community" by helping those in need.  

Thank you for your generous support!

Hello we had a few agenda items today.  Please see them posted below.  Much appreciated: 

Lenten Fundraiser - Bring in $2.00 to chew gum on Wednesday for “Chew for Peru”.  

Mass tomorrow

French: Family Tree homework.  


Wednesday, 22 February 2023


Today is Ash Wednesday.  This is the first day of Lent.  On Ash Wednesday, we are marked with ashes as a sign of penance.  This is a call for us to repent and turn away from sin.  During the season of Lent, we grow closer to Jesus through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

   WWW Week # 15

1. they

2. knew

3. too

4. stay 

5. rain

*spelling quiz on Friday

Monday, 13 February 2023

 Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A few updates/reminders: 

JungleSport: Tomorrow and Friday this week.  

Due to the snow days last week, we will have no new WWW this week.  We will review our words from last week and have our spelling quiz as normal on Friday.  

St. Valentine's Day tomorrow.  Students are invited to bring in valentines if they wish.  :) 

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A few updates/reminders: 

Term 1 report cards are scheduled to be available today via the parent portal.  

Pizza Day was cancelled today due to the snow day.  It is my understanding that this pizza day will be rescheduled.  

Junglesport is scheduled for next week.  Our class will be participating on Tuesday (Feb. 14th) and Friday (Feb. 17th) 

Valentines Day - Our class will be distributing Valentines on Feb. 14th.  Students are invited to bring in valentines/cards if they wish.  

Thursday, 2 February 2023


Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Our class will be distributing valentines on Valentine's Day (February 14th).  Students are invited to bring in valentines to share with their peers if they wish.  There are 22 students in our class.