Wednesday, 20 December 2023


A reminder to all St. Philip families that tomorrow is our Christmas sing-a-long!  All are welcome to attend and join in the singing together.  The primary sing-a-long is during Block 2 around 1:15 and will take place in the school gym.  


Today, we celebrated together as a school community in prayer during our liturgy for the third week of Advent.  

Monday, 18 December 2023


Hello Grade 2 Families, 

We will be having our Christmas Sing Along on Thursday at St. Philip Catholic School.  The schedule is as follows: 

FDK - Block 1 (9:30) 
Primary - Block 3 (1:15)
Junior - Block 4 (2:30) 

All St. Philip families are invited to attend the sing a long!  

Friday, 15 December 2023


Advent - Week 3: This Sunday the Catholic church celebrates Gaudete "Rejoice" Sunday,  Our focus shifts to joy as we continue our preparation for Christ's birth at Christmas.  I hope that all Grade 2 families are able to experience joy this week.  

Next week is a Spirit Week at St. Philip Catholic School!  Please see the parent weekly update from Mrs. Fortier for details.  

The White Elephant Sale is on Monday.  Our class will be going in the morning.  Students are invited to bring money to purchase gifts for their family members.  All gifts are between $0.50 - $2.00.  All proceeds raised support our Grade 6 end of year events.  Thank you for your donations and your generous support!  

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Advent Initiative: Support for The Richmond Food Bank

Week 2: We will be collecting dish soap and laundry detergent.  Please consider making a donation if you are able at this time to support this important initiative.  Thank you for your generous support!  

Monday, 4 December 2023

 St. Philip School Council Christmas Social is on December 7th from 6:00-8:00 PM.  All St. Philip families are welcome to attend!  

The details are available on the School Council Blog

Hello Grade 2 families, 

As today is a snow day, I wanted to remind students that tomorrow is library day as usual.  Please remember to return your books so that you can get new books to bring home.  


Advent began yesterday December 3.  During the first week we focus on the virtue of hope!  We are reminded in the gospel readings to "stay awake", as we do not know the day nor the hour of our Lord's second coming.  Let this be a reminder to each of us to stay awake during this Advent season, as we prepare to welcome Christ into our hearts as we celebrate His birth at Christmas.  

Friday, 24 November 2023


Hello Grade 2 Families, 

We will be having a St. Philip Catholic School "Spirit Day" on next Friday!  Students are invited to wear their school spirit wear or school colours: green, yellow, or white if they would like.  

Friday, 17 November 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

The message copied below was sent out to families this morning via school messenger: 

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday Nov. 22 from 4:10 - 7:20 PM.  Interviews will be in-person or virtual.  Please specify if you would like an in-person or virtual interview when booking.  If you choose a virtual interview, a meeting link will be shared with you closer to the date.  Please click on the link below to access the booking page:

Much appreciated, 

Adam McSheffrey 

Monday, 13 November 2023


- UFLI practice sent home today

- School photo orders sent home today 

- Mass tomorrow at 9:35 at St. Philip Catholic Church

Wednesday, 8 November 2023


Hello Grade 2 families, 

The Grade 2 students will be attending mass at St. Philip Catholic Church on the following dates: 

November 14 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1

December 12 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1

January 16 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1 

February 13 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1

March 19 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1 

April 16 (Tuesday) at 9:35 - Block 1


Our Remembrance Day ceremony will take place on Monday Nov. 13th at the school.  

Picture retakes will be on Nov. 15th.  Please see the message below from the office and Edge Imaging copied below: 

Edge Imaging has asked if you could include the following communication to your families for picture retakes next week please and thank you... 

"For any retake request please ask the families to return their proof with a note so that the teacher will know who to send for retakes as well?"

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Today, November 1st, the Catholic Church celebrates All Saints Day.  Happy Feast of All Saints!  

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Below is the link to our Terry Fox fundraiser:

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

We have begun our UFLI Foundations (University of Florida Literacy Institute) program in Grade 2.  This is an explicit and systematic phonics program we will be using this year in Grade 2.  Each weekly lesson has a corresponding at home practice activity.  I sent this activity home with your son/daughter today.  These activities will be sent home weekly until we are finished the assigned lessons for the year.  These activities are for at home practice.  They do not need to be returned to school.  Students can practice reading the words/sentences.  Students can also practise writing the words/sentences focusing on proper writing conventions (letter formation, capitalization, punctuation).  This is not meant to be a lengthy activity.   There is also a roll and read game, where students can roll and then read a word, or list of words, when the corresponding number is rolled.  Currently, we are focusing on short a, i, o vowel sounds.  Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions. 

Much appreciated, 

Adam McSheffrey  

UFLI At Home Practice

Roll and Read

Hello Grade 2 Families, 


- Our Library day is every Tuesday 

- Picture day is tomorrow Oct. 4th 

- Oct. 6th is a PD Day (no classes for students) 

- Oct. 9th Thanksgiving holiday 

- Oct. 13th Terry Fox Run 

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Our Meet The Educator Evening will be taking place this evening at St. Philip Catholic School from 4:15 - 5:45.  I look forward to welcoming and meeting many families to visit our classroom and school!

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Please see the copied message below that was sent out to families today from the school office.  Thank you.  

Hello St. Philip Families,

In the below attached parent/guardian letter, there are 2 permission forms that will only relate to you if you:

a) Give your child(ren) the permission to walk/bike to school and/or 

b) Are currently carpooling with other neighbours/family/friends to get your child(ren) to and from school with the current bus cancellations. 

Please read the following parent/guardian letter if these permission forms impact your family:

Green Band Program & Carpooling Permission Forms, 2023_24.pdf

Wednesday, 13 September 2023


OCSB student login/passwords were sent home today with your son/daughter.  Students can use this information to login to their OCSB Google account and access the student portal.  They can access various resources on the portal.  Zorbits (Math) and Razkids (Reading) are two accounts that they have access to should they choose.  These resources are for extra at home practise.  I do not monitor student use of these resources.  Please keep the login/password information in a safe place at home.  

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Please see the information below from the school office: 

Important notes from the office:

Register for the OCSB Parent Portal

Complete OCSB Responsible Use of Technology Form

Sign up for School Messenger

Sign up for School Cash-Online

Visit to stay up to date

Subscribe to receive notifications in the event

that your child’s bus is cancelled

Monday, 11 September 2023

Please see the note below that was sent home to families from the school office: 

Hello St. Philip Families,

I am just sending along an electronic version of our St. Philip Grades 1-2 Richmond Fair field trip permission forms.  You do not need to print these off.  The hard copies will be sent home today.  I am only sharing the electronic version so you can easily access the live links for the Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) should you decide to be a volunteer for this awesome field trip.  The more the merrier! The field trip will take place this Friday, September 15 from 9:30am to 11:45pm.

Here is the Richmond Fair permission form: Richmond Fair Fireld trip Form, Grades 1-3.pdf 

Have a great rest of your day!

Friday, 8 September 2023

Parent updates from the school office for September 8th: 

TGIF Parent Mail_ Friday, September 8, 2023.pdf 

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Thank you to all families for the great first days here at St. Philip Catholic School to kick off the year!  Please see the letter below that was sent out to families yesterday from Ms. Fortier regarding new drop off and dismissal routines for students.  Thank you so much for your patience and flexibility with the many bus, pickup/drop-off changes.  

Parent Letter - Student Pickup and Drop Off

Thursday, 31 August 2023


Hello and welcome to all Grade 2 families!  

Please see the Grade 2 welcome/introduction letter that was emailed to all families via school messenger by clicking on the link below: 

Welcome to Grade 2 - Mr. McSheffrey

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our St. Philip Catholic school community! 

Friday, 16 June 2023

Today the Catholic church celebrates the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

V. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
R. Have Mercy on Us

Monday, 12 June 2023

     WWW Week # 27

1. talk

2. walk

3. caught

4. two

5. family

*This is our last week of new WWW.  Spelling quiz on Friday.  

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

    WWW Week # 26

1. brothers

2. sisters

3. from

4.  best

5. them

*spelling quiz on Friday

Wednesday, 31 May 2023


The month of June is dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is on June 16th this year.  The first Friday following the second Sunday after Pentecost. 

Here is a link to the Litany of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and a Novena to The Sacred Heart shared by the Institute for Catholic Education.  Since the Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus is on June 16th this year, you would begin praying the novena nine days prior. 

Some updates/reminders: 

The St. Philip Catholic School fun fair will be held tomorrow from 4:30 - 6:30.  An information pamphlet was sent home with students yesterday.  

Timm Holmes assembly tomorrow  

PD Day on Friday - No classes for students

Gr. 2 Field Trip - Thursday June 8th  

Monday, 29 May 2023

   WWW Week # 25

1. favourite

2. many

3. pretty

4. very 

5. again

*spelling quiz on Thursday

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

  WWW Week # 24

1. can't

2. don't

3. won't

4. your

5. does

*spelling quiz on Friday

Friday, 19 May 2023


Permission forms for our Grade 2 field trip to the Museum of Nature will be sent home today with your child.  Please complete, sign, and return all permission forms (and Health Precaution form if applicable) by Wed. May 24th.  Thank you for your support.  We are greatly looking forward to our field trip on June 8th!  

Tuesday, 16 May 2023


The St. Philip Catholic School Invention Convention is tomorrow at 6:00 PM!  

Monday, 15 May 2023

 WWW Week # 23

1. about

2. how

3. house

4. our

5. outside

*spelling quiz on Friday

Sunday, 14 May 2023


Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in our St. Philip Catholic school community!  

Monday, 8 May 2023

    WWW Week # 22

1. new

2. who

3. into

4. tried

5. purple

*spelling quiz on Friday

Wednesday, 3 May 2023


Good morning Grade 2 Families, 

A reminder that we have our open house at St. Philip Catholic School tomorrow morning from 9:30 - 10:30.  All families are welcome!  

Friday, 28 April 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A reminder that we have our Scholastic Book Fair next week during Catholic Education Week.  Our class will be visiting the book fair on Monday and Wednesday in the morning.  Students are invited to bring in money to purchase books/items.  If your son/daughter would like to purchase books, please send money in a labeled bag/envelope and a purchase list.  Thanks for all of your support!  

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Next week is Catholic Education Week!  There are some exciting events planned throughout the week: 

- Book Fair (All Week): Our class visit dates for purchasing books are on Monday May 1st and Friday May 5th.  Students are invited to bring money to purchase books/items if they wish.  

- Monday: Catholic Education Week Mass (virtual) Block 3, Classroom Mystery Readers

- Tuesday: Whole school liturgy in the school gym at 11:00.  

- Wednesday: Class Reading Buddies

- Thursday: St. Philip Open House (9:30-10:30).  All families are invited to come and visit the school.  

- Friday: Whole School Bingo

Monday, 17 April 2023

    WWW Week # 20

1. good

2. sometimes

3. won

4. one

5. find

*spelling quiz on Friday  

Thursday, 13 April 2023


Students in our class have been asked to please wear the colour blue tomorrow.   Thank you.  

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

   WWW Week # 19

1. this

2. more

3. clap

4. away

5. black

*spelling quiz on Friday  

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Christ is risen, Alleluia!    

Happy Easter to all Grade 2 families!  

Wednesday, 5 April 2023


A reminder, students in our class have been asked to please wear the colour blue tomorrow.   Thank you.  

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Students in our Gr. 2 class have been asked to wear the colour blue for a special assembly on Thursday April 6th.  Thank you for your support.  

Monday, 3 April 2023

  WWW Week # 18

1. animal

2. over

3. children

4. boy

5. girl

*spelling quiz on Thursday 

Friday, 31 March 2023


This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  This day marks the beginning of Holy Week as we continue to prepare for the celebration of Easter.  

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Good morning Grade 2 families, 

A reminder that Grade 2 dental screening will take place tomorrow.  Please reach out to the school office if you have any questions/concerns.  

Monday, 27 March 2023

 WWW Week # 17

1. nice

2. ride

3. thing

4. blue

5. yellow

*spelling quiz on Friday

Monday, 20 March 2023

Students in Grades 1-6 are invited to sign up for the 2023 St. Philip Invention Convention and Science Fair!  See info below: 


Who? – Grades 1-6, joining is optional and preparation is done on your own time.

What? – This is your chance to create an invention or science project and share it with others. You can do a project by yourself, with a friend or in a group of three. To get ideas talk to your parents/guardians or

teachers and check out the library or the internet.

How?Sign up online HERE and see the Invention Convention & Science Fair rules to get you started.

When? – You can get started on your project right away. Registration due by Sunday, March 26th.

Presentations of projects is May 17th @ 6:00pm in the school gym.

Have questions or need help? Please contact Sarah Prince at

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Welcome back!  Here are a few updates for this week: 

- Wednesday is Jersey/Spirit Wear Day in support of the Peru Mission and CEFO!  Please bring in $2.00 to support our Lenten fundraiser and wear your favourite jersey, spirit wear or any favourite shirt!  

- Scientist in Schools virtual workshop on Wednesday morning.  All Grade 2s.  

- There will be no new WWW this week.  We will resume our regular weekly WWW routine next week.  

- Please have your children bring back an indoor pair of shoes if they forgot theirs today.  Much appreciated.  

Monday, 6 March 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

There will be no new weekly Word Wall Words this week.  As a result, there will also be no spelling quiz on Friday. 

Wednesday is our "Games Block" day in support of our Lenten fundraiser.  Please bring in $2.00 and play board games, chess/checkers, cards, puzzles, etc. with your class for a whole block!   Thank you for your generous support!  

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Hello Grade 2 families, 

Archbishop Damphousse (Archbishop of Ottawa/Cornwall) is celebrating a milestone birthday!    Our Grade 2 classes have been asked by the OCSB Religious Education Department to sing ‘happy birthday’ to Archbishop Damphousse.  The students singing (both classes) will be video recorded on Monday March 6th by an OCSB representative.  This is a very special opportunity for our students.  Please reach out to either of us directly if you have any questions.  

Thank you for your support, 

Ms. Lacar and Mr. McSheffrey (Grade 2 teachers)

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Tomorrow is our first official fundraising day during Lent to support The Peru Mission and CEFO.  Students are encouraged to bring in $2.00 (or donate using school cash online) to support this important Lenten initiative.  Tomorrow's theme is "Chew for Peru" and "CEFO".  Students can donate $2.00 and chew gum during block 2!  

Thank you for your generous support!  

Monday, 27 February 2023

 WWW Week # 16

1. writing

2. eating

3. people

4. after 

5. night

*spelling quiz on Friday

Please see the details below regarding our Lenten fundraiser at St. Philip Catholic School: 

Our Lenten fundraiser for the Peru Mission, and CEFO, will be taking place throughout the duration of Lent at St. Philip Catholic School.  Students are encouraged to do chores and acts of kindness at home to “earn” funds for the poor.  As a result of your child’s acts of service, families can contribute to the Lenten fundraiser. All collected funds will be donated to the Peru Mission of St. Philip Catholic Church

Donations can be made using SchoolCash online and/or during our  "$2 for Peru Days" at St. Philip Catholic School. Toonies will be accepted as a donation on the following Wednesdays during Lent: 

"$2 for Peru" - March 1: Bring in $2.00 and chew gum during the day! (gum will be provided or students can bring their own)

"$2 for Peru" - March 8: Bring in $2.00 and play board games with your class for a block! (students are invited to bring in a favourite board game from home to share with their class)

"$2 for Peru" - March 22: Bring in $2.00 and have Jersey Day or Spirit Wear Day! (students are invited to wear a favourite team jersey, school spirit wear, or a favourite shirt)

"$2 for Peru" - March 29: Bring in $2.00 and wear PJs during the day! (students are invited to wear a favourite pair of PJs for the day)


Our Lenten fundraising for children in Peru is an excellent opportunity for students to live out our OCSB theme of "Be Community" by helping those in need.  

Thank you for your generous support!

Hello we had a few agenda items today.  Please see them posted below.  Much appreciated: 

Lenten Fundraiser - Bring in $2.00 to chew gum on Wednesday for “Chew for Peru”.  

Mass tomorrow

French: Family Tree homework.  


Wednesday, 22 February 2023


Today is Ash Wednesday.  This is the first day of Lent.  On Ash Wednesday, we are marked with ashes as a sign of penance.  This is a call for us to repent and turn away from sin.  During the season of Lent, we grow closer to Jesus through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

   WWW Week # 15

1. they

2. knew

3. too

4. stay 

5. rain

*spelling quiz on Friday

Monday, 13 February 2023

 Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A few updates/reminders: 

JungleSport: Tomorrow and Friday this week.  

Due to the snow days last week, we will have no new WWW this week.  We will review our words from last week and have our spelling quiz as normal on Friday.  

St. Valentine's Day tomorrow.  Students are invited to bring in valentines if they wish.  :) 

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A few updates/reminders: 

Term 1 report cards are scheduled to be available today via the parent portal.  

Pizza Day was cancelled today due to the snow day.  It is my understanding that this pizza day will be rescheduled.  

Junglesport is scheduled for next week.  Our class will be participating on Tuesday (Feb. 14th) and Friday (Feb. 17th) 

Valentines Day - Our class will be distributing Valentines on Feb. 14th.  Students are invited to bring in valentines/cards if they wish.  

Thursday, 2 February 2023


Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Our class will be distributing valentines on Valentine's Day (February 14th).  Students are invited to bring in valentines to share with their peers if they wish.  There are 22 students in our class.  

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Mass date change: Our class will no longer be attending mass on February 27th.  The date has been changed to the following day (February 28th).  


A reminder to families that today is pizza day due to the snow day last week.  Pizza day will also resume on Thursday as normal.  Thank you.  

Monday, 30 January 2023

  WWW Week # 13

1. what

2. when

3. where

4. why

5. which

*spelling quiz on Friday

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

A few updates/reminders: 

Please return any signed Junglesport permission forms at your earliest convenience.  Thank you.  

We had our Lockdown practice today at St. Philip Catholic School.  

Friday (January 27th) is a PD Day.  

Popcorn orders are due by January 31.  

Monday, 23 January 2023

Hello Grade 2 Families, 

Permission forms for "Junglesport" were sent home today with your child.  Please sign the form and return it to school as soon as possible.  Much appreciated.  

 WWW Week # 12

1. float

2. slow

3. jumped

4. truck

5. bug

*spelling quiz on Thursday (PD Day this Friday) 

Monday, 16 January 2023

   WWW Week # 11

1. first

2. small

3. before

4. joke

5. floss

*spelling quiz on Friday

Monday, 9 January 2023

  WWW Week # 10

1. not

2. right

3. off

4. stop

5. wanted

*spelling quiz on Friday


Welcome back and happy new year to all St. Philip families!