Hello Grade 2 families,
The family letter for Fully Alive: Theme 3 - Created Sexual: Male and Female was recently sent home with all students. Please read this letter as we will begin this unit in the new year. Thank you.
Welcome to our Grade 2 class blog! Here you will find classroom information, as well as school and OCSB updates.
Hello Grade 2 Families,
As today is a snow day and many students are absent, our WWW spelling quiz will be postponed until Monday. Also, a reminder there will be no word wall word focus next week.
Our class will be visiting the White Elephant Sale on Monday during Block 1. Please send money with your child if you'd like them to buy some Christmas gifts for others at the sale.
Thank you and enjoy the snow! :)
Hello Grade 2 Families,
A few updates:
Thank you very much for all of your support for the White Elephant Sale tomorrow! In the event of a snow day tomorrow, the sale will be rescheduled for Monday.
There will be no Word Wall Word focus or quiz next week. We will resume our word study in the new year as normal.
Hello Grade 2 Families,
Our class will be visiting the White Elephant Sale on Friday (Block 1). Students are invited to bring money to purchase gifts for family remembers/friends if they wish. Please send a list with your child if you'd like them to get a specific sort of gift, e.g. a book, puzzle, etc.
Thank for supporting this school initiative. :)
Hello Grade 2 Families,
Please check the St. Philip newsletter that was sent out to families from the office. There are a lot of events/activities going on at school over the next weeks in preparation for Christmas.
Some updates reminders:
Please donate items for the White Elephant Sale hosted by the Grade 6 students. Our class will be attending the sale on Friday during Block 1 (around 9:30). Students are invited to bring money to purchase gifts for family/friends. Thank you for your support. :)
Spirit Week: Team Santa or Team Grinch day tomorrow!
Hello Grade 2 Families,
Parent teacher interviews are scheduled for this Thursday (Nov. 17) after school. A message/link to sign up for an interview was sent out to families from the school office. I look forward to meeting with families that evening to discuss your son/daughter's progress so far in Grade 2.
Much appreciated,
Adam McSheffrey
Hello Grade 2 Families,
I will be in touch tomorrow via email regarding the Ottawa Catholic School Board's announcement to move to remote learning and the potential plan moving forward.
Also, two updates/reminders:
Mass at St. Philip Catholic Church on Monday November 7
No WWW spelling quiz this week
Hello Grade 2 Families,
This week we will begin our Grade 2 WWW (word wall word) focus. Our list consists of many high-frequency words that we will focus on throughout the year. Students should be able to recognize these words by sight when reading, and spell each word correctly when writing. Each week the students will focus on 5 words. Here is the Grade 2 word list and weekly routine we will be following at school:
Write WWW 2x each
2x rhyming words (e.g. does - was, fuzz) and 1 sentence using 1 WWW and 1 rhyming word
WWW sentences - Write 5 sentences including all 5 WWW from the week
Review WWW (suggestions for home include: flash cards, playing memory, searching for WWW while reading a text, etc.)
WWW dictation quiz on Friday (students will be expected to use/write each word correctly in a given sentence.
Students are encouraged to practise these words at home throughout the week. The routine outlined above is suggested practise for at home.
Hello Grade 2 families,
Today was our first visit to the library! Students will have the opportunity to take home one English book and one French book. Please return books weekly on Thursday. Our library time is every Thursday (Block 1).
We will be having our school Thanksgiving Liturgy tomorrow in the gym.
Good afternoon Grade 2 Families,
Students are bringing home permission forms today to attend masses at St. Philip Catholic Church. Please complete the form and return it to school. Thank you.
Also, a reminder that the Sacrament Meetings are being held at St. Philip Catholic Church this Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 (First Reconciliation and First Eucharist) and 7:30-8:30 (Confirmation). You can register using the link below:
Good morning Grade 2 Families,
A reminder that we have our "Meet The Educators" evening from 4:30 - 6:00 PM today at St. Philip Catholic School. Families are invited to drop in anytime during the evening.
Also, tomorrow is "Silly Sox For Terry Fox". Students will have the opportunity to walk/run in the afternoon and are invited to wear silly sox to school to support this initiative. Please dress for the weather.
Hello Grade 2 Families,
All families are invited to attend our "Meet The Educators" evening at St. Philip Catholic School. Please click on the link below to view the Google slide re: the Grade 2 Program:
I look forward to seeing Grade 2 families on Thursday evening!
Adam McSheffrey
Hello Grade 2 Families,
A couple of reminders:
Our class will be going to the Richmond Fair on Friday morning. Students should dress for the weather (hat, sunscreen, etc.). Students will be asked to bring a water bottle and a "pocket snack" with them to the fair. We will have lunch when we return to school. All students will return to the school on the bus after our visit to the fair. If you would like to pick up your son/daughter early on Friday, please remember to sign him/her out at the school office.
Also, tomorrow is Dot Day at our school. Students are invited to wear dots if they wish.
Thank you.
Hello Grade 2 Families,
Please find the information below from the St. Philip/St. Claire Parish website re: Sacramental Preparation. This information was also sent out to families in our school weekly newsletter:
If your child is in Grade 2 (or grade 3/4 students who were unable to participate over the past 2 years): Grade 2 is generally the year when the Sacraments of First Eucharist (First Communion) and First Reconciliation are offered. We invite you and your child to come and hear all about the Sacraments! We invite you to our information meeting: Wednesday September 28th, 6:30-7:30pm in St Philips Parish Hall. You must sign up by noon on Tuesday, September 27th to attend this meeting; please click this link to sign up: https://forms.gle/yWMCegtVJtTaaQYK6 Please note: you don’t need to bring anything to the meeting. After the meeting, you will be given the details on how to officially register online for this Sacrament.
If your child is in Grade 6: Grade 6 is generally the year when students celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. We invite you and your child to come and hear all about the Sacrament of Confirmation! We invite you to our information meeting: Wednesday September 28th, 7:30-8:30pm in St Philips Parish Hall. You must sign up by noon on Tuesday, September 27th to attend this meeting; please click this link to sign up: https://forms.gle/ELAMjurnR9UZi9Mf8. Please note: you don’t need to bring anything to the meeting. After the meeting, you will be given the details on how to officially register online for this Sacrament. Questions? Contact Tina at tina.m.sul1977@gmail.com
Hello and welcome to all Grade 2 families!
Please see the Grade 2 welcome/introduction letters that were emailed to all families by clicking on the links below:
St. Philip Line-Up Map 2022-2023.pdf
Hello Grade 2 Families,
The note below regarding Scientist in School was sent home today:
May 5, 2022
Dear Parents,
The Grade 2s (Ms. Oliver and Mr. McSheffrey’s classes) will be participating in a Scientists in the School workshop on Thursday May 26th. This is an excellent hands-on learning opportunity for the students to learn more about the properties of matter through experimentation. Below is a description of the workshop - Properties Really Matter:
“Liquids and solids are everywhere! Explore household solids and liquids and how they interact with each other. Investigate the properties of solubility, absorption and buoyancy. Then engineer the solution to a common problem. Create an unusual concoction from an everyday solid and watch it dance!”
The cost of the Scientist in School workshop will be $7.00 per student. This fee is to be paid using School Cash Online. Please reach out to your child’s teacher should you have any questions regarding the Scientist in School workshop.
Thank you,
Ms. Oliver and Mr. McSheffrey
Reminders and Upcoming Dates:
On Monday (May 2) students from our Grade 2 class will be attending mass at St. Philip Catholic Parish. Also, they will be participating in their second Tennis workshop with Gym Jam Tennis.
Book Fair:
Our "preview" visit will be on Tuesday May 3. Please do not send in any money on this date.
Our "shopping" visit will be on Thursday May 5. If you wish for your son/daughter to purchase books/items from the book fair, please send any money in a labeled Ziploc bag or envelope. Also, it is helpful to write down the title of a book if you want your son/daughter to get something specific. Thank you very much for your support of our book fair at St. Philip Catholic School!