WWW Week 7
1. stop
2. our
3. other
4. won
5. could
Welcome to our Grade 2 class blog! Here you will find classroom information, as well as school and OCSB updates.
Sacraments of First Eucharist & First Reconciliation
If you are a parent of a child in Grade 2…On Wednesday November 4, from 6:30-7pm, St. Philip Parish will be hosting a ZOOM information meeting for parents (and students too if they wish) regarding the Sacraments of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. These two sacraments are traditionally done when a child is in Grade 2. If you would like your child to receive their sacraments this year, we request that you join us for this brief meeting.
For more information or to receive the ZOOM meeting link, email us at stphiliprcp1819@gmail.com by 5pm on MONDAY, November 2nd.